Inglês, perguntado por AGATHA13FREITAS, 11 meses atrás

3. Destaque as palavras cognatas do trecho da notícia a seguir.
More than a million people are reported to have taken part in protests in about a hundred
cities across Brazil, the latest in a wave of demonstrations.
Violence erupted in many places and an 18-year-old man died when a car drove through a
barricade in Sao Paulo state.
Protests began more than a week ago over high transport fares but are also highlighting
corruption and the cost of next year's football World Cup.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por army2772


  • million
  • reported
  • protests
  • demonstrations
  • violence
  • erupted
  • barricade
  • transport
  • corruption
  • football

Respondido por kimhanako3


million, part, próteses, demonstrattions,violence,car, barricade, state, transport, corruption, cup.


palavras contas são aquelas que possuem uma escrita parecida e o mesmo significado no nosso idioma.

million -milhão


e assim vai..

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