Inglês, perguntado por adrianarafaela552, 7 meses atrás

3. Complete with the comparative form.
(Complete com a forma comparativa.)
a. Vegetables are
than for your health. (good)
b. Travelling by train is
than travelling by plane. (cheap)
C. Avatar is
than Prince of Persia. (good)
d. I work
than my sister. (hard)
e. Our car is
than yours. (big - safe)
f. Spanish is
than German. (easy)
g. This week is
than last week. (cold)
h. Dogs are
than any other pets. (smart)
i. Your project was
Jack's. (nice)
j. My cousin is
than my brother. (funny)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por moonlightbaby4
A. better
B. cheaper
C. better
D. harder
E. bigger - safer
F. easier
G. colder
H. smarter
I. nicer
J. funnier
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