Inglês, perguntado por gihsophia2001, 10 meses atrás

3 Complete the sentences using where, who, which, or that.
a) I read the book
b) They called a mechanic
my friend gave me
c) I waited at the bus stop
lived near us.
d) I loved the present
was near my school.
you gave me! Thank you!
e) A spoonful is the quantity of something
put in a spoon.
we can
f) A nutritionist is a professional
people on what to eat in order to have a healthy diet.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por raegui


A) I read that book.

b) They called a mechanic who my friend gave me.

c) I waited at the bus stop where lived near us.

d) I loved the present that was near my school.

e) A spoonful is the quantity of something that we can put in a spoon.

f) A nutriotionist is a professional 'person' which advises on what to eat in order to have a healthy diet.


Na alternativa F eu sugiro colocar 'person' pois se refere a 'nutricionista' no singular e não no plural. Caso fosse 'Nutriotionists are professionals..etc.'' aí sim colocaria 'people'.


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