Inglês, perguntado por dudaalves4545, 8 meses atrás

3. Complete as frases usando o verbo to be no passado:
a) She ____________ in the garden.
b) Julie and Jack _______________ studying for the test yesterday morning. (to study)
c) Mary ______________ a teacher.
d) John and I __________________ making a chocolate cake.
e) Susan _____________ watching TV last night.
4. Passe as frases para as formas interrogativa e negativa:
a) He was a good artist.
I: _________________________________________________
N: _________________________________________________
b) Jane and Jack were at the airport yesterday.
I: _________________________________________________
N: _________________________________________________
c) You were at home last week.
I: _________________________________________________
N: _________________________________________________
d) Mary was at church last Sunday.
I: _________________________________________________
N: _________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por arioziale



A) was

B) were

C) was

D) were

E) was


A) was he a good artist.

He wasn't a good artist.

B) Were Jane and Jack at the airport yesterday?

Jane and Jack weren't at the airport yesterday.

C) Were you at home last week?

You weren't at home last week.

D) Was Mary at church last Sunday?

Mary wasn't at church last Sunday.

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