Inglês, perguntado por juliayasmin8285, 6 meses atrás

3- Complete as frases afirmativas e negativas a seguir Use os verbos no Futuro Simples (will)
1. - The phone is ringing! - Don't worry, (I, answer) I will answer it.
2. Your (idea, not, work) ____________________________ ! It's too complicated. ( olha a negativa aí )
3. - I need to leave now. Is there a bus stop nearby? - No, but (I, give) ______________________ you a ride.
4. (We, not, get)________________________________ to the school on time. Look at the traffic! ( a frase é negativa então devemos usar will not ou won’t)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nemqueirasaber

2) your idea will not work! It's too complicated.

3) I need to leave now. Is there a bus stop nearby?-no but i will give you a ride

4) we will not get to the school on time. Look at the traffic!

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