Inglês, perguntado por paulaa53, 8 meses atrás

3) Complete as frases abaixo com o verbo to be no Simple Past (was, were) na forma afirmativa
(+), negativa ( - ) e interrogativa (?).
a) In winter 1998,
in the USA. (+)
b) Your father and I very happy for you. (+)
c) My test
very good. (-)
all the teachers at the ceremony? (?)
e) 'How
the concert?' (?)
f) 'It
great !' (+)
7º ano - Semana de 20/04/2020 a 24/04/2020​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por phrufinobueno1


a) Was in winter 1998

b) Your father and I were very happy for you

c) My test was very good

d) Were all the teachers in the cerymony?

e) How was the concert?

f) It was great


paulaa53: g) pavarotti an actor(-) h) he a professional tenor (+) i) the children at school this morning(-) j) they in a museum(+)​
paulaa53: poderia responder pra mim pff?
phrufinobueno1: pavarotti wasn´t an actor
phrufinobueno1: he was a professional tenor
phrufinobueno1: the children weren´t at school this morning
phrufinobueno1: they were in a museum
phrufinobueno1: só da uma conferida na primeira pra ver se é wasnt ou werent mesmo
paulaa53: obgg
Respondido por ericalm43
Was in winter 1998, in the USA.

Your father and I were very happy for you.

My test wasn’t very good

Were all the teachers at the ceremony?

How was the concert?

It was great!

paulaa53: g) pavarotti an actor(-) h) he a professional tenor (+) i) the children at school this morning(-) j) they in a museum(+)​
paulaa53: poderia responder pra mim pff?
ericalm43: Pavarotti wasn’t an actor
He was a professional tenor
The children weren’t at school this morning
They were in a museum

Sorry, ao vi agora
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