Inglês, perguntado por joanacordeiro44, 1 ano atrás

3 – Complete as frases a seguir com o pronome relativo adequado (who, where, that, which, or when).

Ex.: I saw the scientists who are working on the development of the vaccine on TV.

a) The University of Oxford, __________ a vaccine is being developed, is in England.

b) The professor, ___________ is leading the research, said she was “80% confident” the vaccine

would work.

c) The virus they used to make the vaccine, _________ is common in chimpanzees, is modified so it

cannot grow in humans.

d) Scientists do not know __________ the vaccine will be available.

e) The places __________ the vaccine is developed in Brazil are universities and research institutes.

f) The vaccines _________ the Oxford team has already developed have had promising results.

g) People _________ have symptoms of coronavirus that need to be tested.

h) Coronavirus spreads __________ an infected person coughs or sneezes small droplets into the air.​

biancakarlafreitas: me ajudem
grabrigabrielwallace: desejo concedido
ItachiH1000: Oiiiiiiiii

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por larissaasilvasou


3- a) where

b) who

c) that

d) when

e) where

f) when

g) who

h) when


lilianeleles: obg ajudou mt
anielycosta97: ok
Moniquemiranda123: "obg"
najuh2710: valeuuu
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