Inglês, perguntado por annapacheco75050, 9 meses atrás

3; Com base nas informações do texto abaixo, responda as questões A e B:
The Queen's routine
Rising at around 8.30 am. Her Majesty is greeted by the sounds of the bagpipes each morning at
nine, as a piper plays on the terrace beneath her apartment at Buckingham Palace. She usually
takes a bath before having breakfast alone, and it is usually Cornflakes or Special K cereal and
fresh or dried fruit. At Christmas, when she usually receives truffles as a gift. The Queen
will have scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and a grating of truffle as a festive treat.(...)
A) What does she eat every morning?
B) Does she take shower every moming?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por WuXie


A) It's usually corn flakes or Special K cereals and fresh or dried fruit ( Geralmente são flocos de milho ou cereais Special K e frutas frescas ou secas).

B) She usually take a shower before having breakfast ( Ela costuma tomar banho antes do café da manhã).

Me desculpa se eu estiver errada em alguma coisa.

annapacheco75050: muito obrigado estava precisando
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