Inglês, perguntado por lucienecarlossilva48, 11 meses atrás

3. Coloque as frases na ordem certa.
a) go out / will / you/tonight?
b) Ben / tomorrow Igo dancing / will?
c) in June / get married / they / will
d) next week / won't/it/be cold,
e) by car / she / travel / will ?
f) live / on the Mars / won't / people.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alicejfjekwkwk

letra A.

you will go out tonight?

letra B

will Ben go dancing tomorrow?

letra C

they will get married in June

letra D

wont be cold next week?

letra E

she will travel in a car?

letra D

people wont live on the Mars.

espero que tenha ajudado. :)
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