Inglês, perguntado por gabrielhilan33, 8 meses atrás

3) Bob is a writer. He
seven books so far. (write)
a) have writed b) has writing c) has written
4) She
to the cinema (go)
a) have go b) has gone c) has goes
5) He
in Sweden for five years. (live)
a) have lived b) has liveed c) has lived
6) Eric is angry because his son
today. (not study)
a) has not studied b) has not studyed c) have not studied
7) You
David for ten years. (know)
a) has know b) have known c) have knowed
8) We
here for two weeks. (be)
a) have been b) has been c) has bed
9) 1
my keys. (lose)
a) has lose b) have lost c) has losed
10) He
two much coffee. (drink)
a) has drunk b) has drank c) has drinked​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


3) Bob is a writer. He  has written seven books so far. (write)

a) have writed b) has writing c) has written

4) She  has gone to the cinema (go)

a) have go b) has gone c) has goes

5) He  has lived in Sweden for five years. (live)

a) have lived b) has liveed c) has lived

6) Eric is angry because his son  has not studied today. (not study)

a) has not studied b) has not studyed c) have not studied

7) You  have known David for ten years. (know)

a) has know b) have known c) have knowed

8) We  have been here for two weeks. (be)

a) have been b) has been c) has bed

9) I have lost my keys. (lose)

a) has lose b) have lost c) has losed

10) He  has drank two much coffee. (drink)

a) has drunk b) has drank c) has drinked​


Present perfect indica quando a ação começou ou quanto tempo faz que ela está ocorrendo.

Há 1 ano

Há 20 anos

Desde 2001

Estrutura do present perfect

Sujeito + Have/has +    verbo particípio

I              have never      been to Japan.

She              has             studied for the exam.

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