Inglês, perguntado por marcosviniciusmisael, 7 meses atrás

1. Fill in the blanks with do or does
your father have a car?
Melissa know how to skateboard?
Rick and Richard have a sister?
your brothers work?
the cat drink milk?
your classmate go to class every day?
the man want a drink?
Ana and I need to bring our jackets?
the people like this song?
the school principal work on Saturday

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pattysorte

1- Does your father have a car?

2- Does Melissa know how to skateboard?

3- Do Rick and Richard have a sister?

4- Does your brother work?

5- Does the man want a drink?

5- Do Ana and I need to bring our jackets

6- Do the people like this song?

7- Does the school principal work on Saturday?

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