Ed. Física, perguntado por Monwalker5, 9 meses atrás

2º)Aplique o present continuous tense nas frases abaixo siga o exemplo da letra a.

a)He plays handball. He is playing handball

b)I take a bus.________________________________________________

c)You go to the park.___________________________________________

d)They listen music.____________________________________________

e)She likes cake._______​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lallahashahashalee


A) He is playing handball.

B) I am taking a bus.

C) You are going to the park.

D) They are listening music.

E) She's liking cake.

Basicamente usamos depois do pronome (I, he, yours, she...) E o verbo to be (am, are, is) O verbo principal com ing. Se atente as regrinhas para colocar ing nos Verbos.

Dá coraçãozinho please!!!

Monwalker5: repeti duas perguntas sem quererKKKKKKK
lallahashahashalee: acontece;)
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