ENEM, perguntado por ruanmatos0599, 6 meses atrás

26- Use as formas superlativas demonstradas no quadro abaixo para completar adequadamente as seguintes sentenças.
the most difficult - the biggest - the best - the most delicious- the funniest
1. Jupiter is_________planet in our solar system .
II. Pelé is considered________soccer player ever.
|||.that restaurant serves________food in town.
|V.trink math is _______subject.

por favor me ajudem​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ramoskaira9

1. Jupiter is ( the biggest )planet in our solar system .

II. Pelé is considered ( the best )soccer player ever.

|||.that restaurant serves ( the most delicious )food in town.

|V.trink math is ( the most difficult )subject.

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