Inglês, perguntado por nadilabritolima, 11 meses atrás

Leia as definições a seguir e indique o gênero a que se referem.
Gêneros: fable, fantasy, romance, mystery, poetry, biography, folktale, horror, comedy.
1. A book that is intentionally funny either in its characters or its action.
2. A book in which someone writes about other people's life.
3. A history whose has characters that investigate crimes or various puzzles.
4. A book whose focus is the love between two people.
5. A brief story that leads to a lesson, often using animals as characters.
6. Thoughts and feelings written in stanzas.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por GeysseGontijo


1- Comedy

2- Biography

3- mystery

4- Romance

5- Fable

6- Poetry


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