Inglês, perguntado por cassianofqs1, 7 meses atrás

20 frases usando o simple present +adjectives.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple present + adjectives

  1. I have an old car.
  2. Susan wants to buy a new house.
  3. Tobby is a calm dog.
  4. This book is interesting.
  5. I am very tired today.
  6. John is an intelligent boy.
  7. Liza wants to buy a black dress.
  8. James likes to read horror books at night.
  9. I want to buy a faster motorcycle.
  10. Tom has a beautiful girlfriend.
  11. Jim and Kelly are excellent students.
  12. Raphael takes nice pictures.
  13. I need to buy a new mobile.
  14. Mary and Emily are happy today.
  15. Mom's food smells so good.
  16. My new neighbor is a lovely old lady.
  17. Cathy lives in a big house.
  18. He wants to buy a red car.
  19. That´s a buddist temple.
  20. Antonio is a Spanish dancer.


➡️   Adjectives /  adjetivos  >>    palavra usada para dar uma característica ao substantivo/sujeito

→→ Caracterizando um substantivo

a beautiful girl

nice hair

a big house

an expensive car

→→ Caracterizando o sujeito

John is a nice man.

My friends are funny.

My car is new.

His house is old.

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