20 frases no present continuous ingles e traduzido
Soluções para a tarefa
Em inglês, o present continuous é uma forma verbal usada para designar algo que se encontra incompleto ou ainda em andamento.
Exemplos de frases no present continuous
- I am not going to the grandma's house. (Eu não estou indo para a casa da vovó.)
- They are studying in the bedroom. (Eles estão estudando no quarto.)
- He is telling me I was ugly. ( Ele está me dizendo que eu era feio.)
- The caterpillar is becoming a butterfly. (A lagarta está se tornando uma borboleta.)
- It's raining a lot here. ( Está chovendo muito aqui.)
- I'm not laughing at you. ( Eu não estou rindo de você.)
- They are going to the beach. (Eles estão indo para a praia.)
- They are having breakfast. (Eles estão tomando café da manhã.)
- She is talking to her teacher. (Ela está conversando com sua professora.)
- I am washing the dishes. (Eu estou lavando os pratos.)
Acesse mais exercícios em inglês respondidos em:
They are studying until midnight.
My uncle is crying in pain.
She and I are surfing.
My mother is working at home.
I am dancing ballet.
We are cooking potato.
I am driving in street.
I am writing a poem.
She is singing for us.
He and your family are traveling.
Today is very raining.
He is not swimming .
I am cycling to school.
I am talking to my boyfriend.
They are dating.
Are you kissing my sister?
I am learning French.
He is asking my name.
She is hearing classic music.
My dog is jumping on chair.