2-Write predictions for the future of the planet. Follow the example.
(Escreva previsões para o futuro do planeta. Siga o exemplo.)
Example: Will the temperature rise because of global warming?
I think the temperature will rise in the future because of global warming. / I think the temperature
will not rise in the future.
a)Will the ocean get more polluted?
b)Will people start recycling more?
c)Will we have more environmental problems in the future?
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Resposta:b i think the ocean will get more polluted in the future/ i think the ocean won't get more polluted.
c i think people will start recycling more /i think people won't start recycling more.
d i think de will have more environmetal problems in the future. /i think we won't have more environmetal
problems in the future.
Eu coloquei isso na minha atividade! Espero ter ajudado!
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