Inglês, perguntado por natalia4684, 4 meses atrás

2 – Whose bio is it? Replace the letters with the preposition in, on or at to complete these short


I Artist, painter, born A________ 1853 in Zundert, Netherlands. His famous works include Starry

Night, The Bedroom, Irises, Sunflowers. B________ a young age, he was melancholy – he shared the

name and birthdate with his dead brother. He died C________ July 29, 1890. (Post-Impressionism)

II Artist, inventor, scientist born D________ April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy. E________ the age of 20, he

was already recognized as a master artist. He died F________ 1519 in Amboise, Kingdom of France.

His famous works were Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man. (High Renaissance)

III Poet, journalist, born G________ Oct. 31, 1902, Itabira, Brazil – died H________ Aug. 17, 1987. The

first of his numerous collections of poetry, Alguma poesia (Some Poetry), written I________ 1930,

demonstrates both his affinity with the Modernist movement and his own strong poetic personality.


3 – Write the correct combination

of numbers–letters to match each

biography to the correct notable


4 – Now, study these excerpts from the texts in “Semana 2”:

I. “Flávio […] Melo was born in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil […].”

II. “He attended the course on painting […] at the Arts Sector of Federal University of Paraíba.”

III. “[…] he studied painting in some of the most prestigious American Universities, and also in Cayenne.

He also took the chance and exhibited his paintings in all these places.”

IV. “Raised in the beautiful Welsh countryside […].”

V. “I began studying photography at college.”

VI. “I […] included more models in my works.”

In these contexts, the prepositions in and at indicate:

We use in to talk about a general location, while at refers

to a more specific place or point of reference.

a. time

b. location
5 – Read the excerpts on the Modern Art Week and replace the numbers with a preposition (in, on or at),

and the capital letters with the appropriate Past Simple form of the verbs in parentheses.

Modern Art Week, a cultural festival held I São Paulo’s Teatro Municipal II 13, 15, and 17 February 1922.

The young women and men who A (produce) and B (participate) III this three-day series of concerts,

readings, lectures, dances, and exhibitions of art were self-consciously declaring their cultural independence from traditional forms and styles, and announcing the arrival of Brazilian modernism.

Modern Art Week was intended to announce the São Paulo avant-garde’s break with earlier art.

The exhibition of art C (include) works by the sculptor Victor Brecheret, who D (return) to Brazil from

Rome IV 1919, paintings by Anita Malfatti, completed during her time V Berlin and New York, and Di

Cavalcanti, along with numerous other painters, sculptors, and architects. One of the other painters

who would play a significant role VI the development of Brazilian modernism was Tarsila do Amaral.

The Semana was conceived as a reaction against the official academic art and literature. […] VII the

time of the Semana, São Paulo was one of the fastest growing cities VIII Brazil.

The group that took part IX the Week, contrary to their initial intentions, E (remain - negative) a unified movement. A number of separate groups split off, and the original core members had separated

by 1929.

Oswald de Andrade and the Anthropophagics [cannibals] F (believe) that they should subsume influences from abroad but turn them into a uniquely Brazilian art form. […] X opposition to the Anthropophagics were the Nationalists, who G (reject) international influences. Many of the Nationalist

modernists were actively engaged XI politics. The leader of the school, the writer Plínio Salgado, went

on to become a political figure and lead a failed coup against President Getúlio Vargas.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por samelateixeira1


2)A- in

B- at

C- on

D- on  

E- at

F- in

G- on

H- on

I- in

3) I-B, II-A, III-C.

4) a. time

5) I-at; II-on; III-in; IV-in; V-in; VI-in; VII-At; VIII-in; IX-in; X-In; XI-in.

A-produced; B-participated; C-included; D-returned; E-did not/didn’t remain; F-believed; G-rejected

gabilima64: e a questão 1
zaWARUDO111: não precisa fazer, só vc ler lá q vc percebe
cassianepinheiro16: Thanks ajudou mto
ryanrodriguesdesouza: valeuww
cabrallauane7: looveee youuu
marcusvinicius4667: O que é para fazer na questão número 5?
luiz123456788765: fui atrás de cobre e achei foi ouro
ribeirothais3792: vlw
alexneziohonorimorae: A 4 está errada, a questão claramente está falando de LUGARES, como é exemplificado na frase V: "At college" - No colégio/universidade, isso não pode ser tempo. As outras frases também são exemplos: in all these places, in Cayenne, at the Arts Sector of Federal University of Paraíba, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil...
jguilherme12gui: ajudou mtoo
Respondido por Alexv11

Seguem abaixo as respostas para cada uma das questões de acordo com a preposição e gramática correta da língua inglesa:

  • 2)A- in

  • B- at

  • C- on

  • D- on  

  • E- at

  • F- in

  • G- on

  • H- on

  • I- in

  • 3) I- B, II- A, III- C.

  • 4) a. Places

  • 5) I- at; II- on; III- in; IV- in; V- in; VI- in; VII- At; VIII- in; IX- in; X- In; XI- in.

  • A- produced;

  • B- participated;

  • C- included;

  • D- returned;

  • E- did not/didn’t remain;

  • F- believed;

  • G- rejected

Prepositions e Past Simple

Preposições são palavras críticas dentro do desenvolvimento de uma frase, uma vez que fazem interface com outros componentes, indo antes deles (coisas, pronomes ou gerúndios) para mostrar as ideias de colocação, direção/movimento, tempo, entre outras funções.

Menos em número do que as outras categorias na estrutura da língua (coisas, verbos, etc.), as preposições podem causar desordem entre os aprendizes de dialeto inglês, já que a mesma preposição pode ter uma interpretação comparável, mas uma utilização distinta. Por estas razões, neste texto consideraremos as preposições, com casos, centrando-nos independentemente nas preposições de local no caso do exercício acima.

O passado simples é utilizado para conversar sobre atividades que foram concluídas no passado, assim como circunstâncias ou tradições que foram reformuladas e agora não acontecem. Ao contrário do português, onde temos algumas terminações para cada verbo individual, o passado simples em inglês é, como o título diz, excepcionalmente direto.

Há uma execução essencial do passado simples que faz a diferença na maioria dos casos com os chamados verbos normais. Com os verbos esporádicos, as coisas são um pouco diferentes, uma vez que não seguem o mesmo padrão dos verbos normais.

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