Inglês, perguntado por flaviana36, 3 meses atrás

2. What feelings can you associate with "rain" and "sunny Day"? 3. What is the part of the song do you like most? Why? 4. What does "storm/rain" symbolize in this song? ( ) A problem ( ) A solution 5. What does "sunny day" symbolize in this song? ( ) Sadness ( ) Hapiness. 6- What the symbolic meaning of "have you ever seen the rain? Comin' down on a sunny day? me ajudem por favor , preciso com urgência !!!!!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por uFritzz


2. Sadness and Happiness

3. (Resposta Pessoal)

4. Sadness and Chaos

5. Happiness

6. Symbology refers to the sadness and chaos coming on a day that seemed normal or happy.

Espero ter ajudado

flaviana36: muito obrigado
uFritzz: Não tem de que
Respondido por lucianoch24


2. The feelings i associate "rain" with are : gratitude, sorrow and perplexity. Sorrow because rain makes me feel "sad". The rain itself brings that sad feeling with it. The day gets darker. We don't see as many people on the streets when it's raining as we see when it's sunny, for obvious reasons. Perplexity because such fall of simple drips of water can be very hard to be understood. The earth goes through a whole process of transformation in order to rain. And ultimately : Gratitude. The rain is the reason why we're alive, because it gives us water. So when it rains, the oceans and lakes don't go through the risk of running out of it. So it's important, for us humans, and animals to have water. And if it stops raining, it's a matter of time untill we run out if it and consequently die. I have a lot of other insights in terms of what i associate water with, but those are my most important opinions on it.

2. The feelings i associate with "sunny day" are, most importantly, the feelings of excitement and happiness, for the sun is out and the clouds get shiny. It makes me, most of times, quite happy. You see a lot of people on the streets (it depends on where you live in), unlike when it's a rainy day, a sunny day is the time to go out and go for a walk, jog, play outside, etc. Those are things people don't usually do when it's raining, but they do when it's a shiny and sunny day.

3. Pessoal


a) A storm represents difficulties, problems, loneliness, strength, weakness and depression. People use the term "storm" a lot to, metaphorically, express their problems and issues.

b) Rain is related to life and growth regarding birth and rebirth.

5. It means shining with bright sunlight. It can also mean cheerful, like your sunny, upbeat best friend or people who are important to you.

6. It's a metaphor that means your brightness and cheerfulness being crushed by problems and difficulties, making your "sunny day" (life) with a blue sky and white clouds (representing a good moment in your life) and these white clouds and shiny blue sky is swallowed by dark clouds and your shiny blue sky is covered by darkness just like your clouds (good moments) due to the rain. It can also mean the end of someone's freedom, for a sunny day is the time you go out and do what you need to do. Then, your sunny day (freedom) is crushed by the rain, which can represent, besides everything above, restriction. Limitation. imprisonment. Once we don't tend to go out when it's raining.

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