Inglês, perguntado por tatabonitinha2016, 1 ano atrás

2. Você vai ler algumas cartas do leitor retiradas de diferentes meios de comunicação. Destaque todas as partes apresentadas em cada uma delas.
Se achar necessário, use um dicionário.

a) Paying the household charge

Sir, – I wonder would it be okay with Phil Hogan if I paid my household charge with

a cheque postdated to 2025? Michael Noonan at least would understand. – Yours,



Foster Place North, Ballybough, Dublin 3.

b) Sir, – I have just issued a €100 personal bond for the household charge, which

will not be payable until 2025. I am in the process of issuing similar bonds to

Irish Life Permanent, VHI and various banks. – Yours, etc,


Caldragh, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim

c) Re: Parents denounce closing of centre, March 20

I was shocked to learn that the sister of an autistic man who has been living at

Thistletown Regional Centre for 40 years only learned of the closure of the facility from

a radio report, not from the centre or the provincial government. Eric Hoskins, minister

of children and youth services, should be ashamed of himself. For God’s sake, man,

show a little compassion.

Randy Robinson, Toronto

d) Re: Non-animal testing more humane, Letter March 20

Contrary to the assertions of Camille Labchuk, your earlier editorial, “Too early to end

primate studies,” got it right.b

Scientists have made enormous strides in developing non-animal alternatives to

replace, reduce, or refine the number of studies conducted on animals and these are

widely employed. Further progress will be made in this area.

Patricia Guyda, President, Canadians for Health Research, Westmount, Que.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por joaonebu


a) R:

Introdução: Paying the household charge

Corpo da carta: Sir, – I wonder would it be okay with Phil Hogan if I paid my household charge with.

a cheque postdated to 2025? Michael Noonan at least would understand.


Local: Foster Place North, Ballybough, Dublin 3.

b) R:

Introdução: Sir, – I have just issued a €100 personal bond for the household charge, which

Corpo da carta: will not be payable until 2025. I am in the process of issuing similar bonds to

Irish Life Permanent, VHI and various banks.

Assinatura: KEITH NOLAN

Local: Caldragh, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim

c) R:

Introdução: Re: Parents denounce closing of centre, March 20

Corpo da carta: was shocked to learn that the sister of an autistic man who has been living at

Thistletown Regional Centre for 40 years only learned of the closure of the facility from

a radio report, not from the centre or the provincial government. Eric Hoskins, minister

of children and youth services, should be ashamed of himself. For God’s sake, man,

Despedida: show a little compassion.

Assinatura: Randy Robinson

Local: Toronto

d) R:

Introdução: Re: Non-animal testing more humane

Data: Letter March 20

Corpo da carta: Contrary to the assertions of Camille Labchuk, your earlier editorial, “Too early to end

primate studies,” got it right.b

Scientists have made enormous strides in developing non-animal alternatives to

replace, reduce, or refine the number of studies conducted on animals and these are

widely employed. Further progress will be made in this area.

Assinatura: Patricia Guyda, President, Canadians for Health Research,

Local: Westmount, Que.


Uma carta, para estar bem estruturada deve ser composta por: local e data; saudação; introdução; Corpo da carta; despedida e assinatura.

Observação: Se você estiver com preguiça de reescrever todas as cartas como está acima, você pode simplesmente circular as partes e escrever do lado, introdução, corpo, data, etc.

JOAOVHF: Obrigando demorei mais conseguir entende
saviogatinho7: n entendí
saviogatinho7: poderia me ajudar?
joaonebu: sim, eu posso
joaonebu: eu dividi todas a cartas em local, data, corpo, introdução, assinatura
joaonebu: logo, basta você copiar do jeito que está lá
saviogatinho7: obrigado entendí agora
joaonebu: ao invés de copiar, você pode circular o texto da carta e escrever do lado se é introdução, se é corpo, se é assinatura
joaonebu: mas aí vai depender do seu professor (a) se, for permitido, pois na minha escola foi
joaonebu: não há de quê
Respondido por Alexv11

Cada carta possui uma estrutura específica a ser seguida dependendo do tipo de carta que será enviada, segue abaixo o que pode estar contido dentro de uma carta:

Local e data;



Corpo da carta;



Estrutura de carta


  • Introdução: Paying the household charge
  • Corpo: Sir, – I wonder would it be okay with Phil Hogan if I paid my household charge with.

a cheque postdated to 2025? Michael Noonan at least would understand.

  • Assinatura: MICHAEL SCOTT

  • Local: Foster Place North, Ballybough, Dublin 3.


  • Introdução: Sir, – I have just issued a €100 personal bond for the household charge, which

  • Corpo: will not be payable until 2025. I am in the process of issuing similar bonds to

Irish Life Permanent, VHI and various banks.

  • Assinatura: KEITH NOLAN

  • Local: Caldragh, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim


  • Introdução: Re: Parents denounce closing of centre, March 20

  • Corpo: was shocked to learn that the sister of an autistic man who has been living at Thistletown Regional Centre for 40 years only learned of the closure of the facility from a radio report, not from the centre or the provincial government. Eric Hoskins, minister of children and youth services, should be ashamed of himself. For God’s sake, man,

  • Despedida: show a little compassion.

  • Assinatura: Randy Robinson

  • Local: Toronto


  • Introdução: Re: Non-animal testing more humane

  • Data: Letter March 20

  • Corpo: Contrary to the assertions of Camille Labchuk, your earlier editorial, “Too early to end primate studies,” got it right.b Scientists have made enormous strides in developing non-animal alternatives to replace, reduce, or refine the number of studies conducted on animals and these are widely employed. Further progress will be made in this area.

  • Assinatura: Patricia Guyda, President, Canadians for Health Research,

  • Local: Westmount, Que.

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