Inglês, perguntado por guilhermefontana4567, 4 meses atrás

2-Transforme as seguintes frases da voz ativa para a voz passiva. Todas elas estão no Simple presente.
1. My son cleans the windows.

2. We receive the newspaper.

3. Bill and John repair the car.

4. Susan writes the letter.

5. You fix the computer.

6. The children eat the cookies.

7. Ann and Paul know Machu Picchu ruins.

8. We choose the movie.

9. They win all the races.

10. I build beautiful houses.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

Voz passiva:

  1. The windows are cleaned by my son.
  2. The news was received by us.
  3. The car was repaired by Bill and Hohn.
  4. The letter was written by Susan.
  5. The compute are repaired by you.
  6. The cookies are eaten by the children.
  7. Machu Pichu ruins are Known by Ann and Paul.
  8. The movie was chosen by us.
  9. All the races are won by they
  10. Beautiful houses are built by me.

Espero ter ajudado,

Bons estudos!

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