Inglês, perguntado por diullyanne59, 5 meses atrás

2 Replace each icon with was or were to complete the statements below.
Write the answers in your notebook.
a. In affirmative sentences, we use when the subject is 1/he/she/it.
b. In affirmative sentences, we use when the subject is we/you/they.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Verb ''to be''  -  Simple past  >>  WAS   /  WERE

a. In affirmative sentences, we use ''was'' when the subject is I/he/she/it.

b. In affirmative sentences, we use ''were''  when the subject is we / you / they.  

→ Singular >>> was >>   usado com I - She - he - It

I was a student.

She was a nurse.

He was a doctor

It was a dog.

→ Plural >>> were >>>  usado com We - You - They

We were friends.  

You were cousins.

They were doctors.

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