Inglês, perguntado por terrowf, 11 meses atrás

2- Reescreva corretamente as oracoes que estiverem erradas, questions with DO.
DOES, DON'T or DOESN'T. (2.0)
A Do they live in London? No, they don't
B-Does your mother at home now? No, she do not
- does you like namburger and fries? Yes, I do
D-Does Mary and her brother watches television at night? Yes, the do
E-DO John and Mill work in bank? No, they don't
F Do the boys usually play volleyball? Yes, they do
G-does the boy have a new byke? No, he do not

me ajudem por favor!!!!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rannaAAC


a - correto

b - No, she doesn't

c- do you like hamburguer and fries?

d - do Mary and her brother....

e - correto

f - correto

g - no, he doesn't

*explicação: Só reescrevi a parte em que estava errada para não ter que reescrever a frase toda.

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