Inglês, perguntado por ShintiaBarroso, 10 meses atrás

2. Reescreva as sentenças a seguir nas formas negativa e interrogativas.

a) Pedro was talking to Danny about his research.

neg ____________________________________________________________

int _____________________________________________________________

b) They were researching about planets.

neg ___________________________________________________________

int ____________________________________________________________

c) She was watching a movie at home.

neg ___________________________________________________________

int ____________________________________________________________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por costelacost555


a) Neg: Pedro wasn't/was not talking to Danny about his research.

Int: Was Pedro talking to Danny about his research?

b) Neg: They weren't/were not researching about planets.

Int: Were they researching about planets?

c) Neg: She wasn't/was not watching a movie at home.

Int: Was she watching a movie at home?

gholandanascimento: oi
gholandanascimento: muito obrigado
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