Inglês, perguntado por BrunaMaria999, 7 meses atrás

2-reescreva as frases na negativa:
Por favor gente é pra hoje!!!!​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por BrennoCB

A) London was not a country

B) The United States was not a city

C) An elephant was not a small animal

D) English and Turkish were not sister languages

E) Mercedes were not a bike

F) I was not a student

G) Mrs. Stuart was not a poor woman

H) Cigarettes were not good for people

I) The north pole was not hot

J) Simon was not from United Kingdom

Também pode escrever "Wasn't" ou "Weren't"

BrennoCB: Eu dei uma avaliação pra mim mesmo sem querer
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