Inglês, perguntado por germari12345, 9 meses atrás

2. Read the ingredients again and, in your notebook, answer these questions.

a. How many carrots do you need to prepare this recipe?

b. How much honey do you need to make this carrot cake?

c. How many tablespoons of butter do you need?

d. How many eggs do you need if you want to prepare two cakes?

e. How many people can you serve with this recipe?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AbacaxiAssado


A) Needs (numero de cenouras) carrots

B) I need (quantidade de mel) to make the carrot cake!

C) I need (numero) to make this cake!

D) I think I will need (numero) eggs!

E)We can serve the cake for (numero) people!


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