Inglês, perguntado por esterfernandes48, 8 meses atrás

2 – Read the following sentences and answer the questions.
I. “It is getting better all the time” (Obama’s tweet)
II. I am careful when I am browsing the Web.
III. “Only download files and applications from websites that you trust”. (“Use safe behaviour”)
IV. Is social media changing the way we communicate?
V. Do you have more friends in social network rather than in real life?
VI. My gf constantly wants to go through my phone...
a) Which of them present an action in progress or a temporary action?

b) Which one refers to a habitual action?

c) Which of them refer or inquire about a general true state?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por recantoesperancamoa

Resposta:2 a) I, VI

b) II, IV

c)III, V


silvaeneise: Vlw
silvaeneise: (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
willyzinhaferreira: vc não entendeu a pergunta
samaraketalen13: ta certo
Naig: Obrigado
Respondido por mayaravieiraj

2 – Read the following sentences and answer the questions.

a)  “It is getting better all the time” and "Is social media changing the way we communicate?"

b) "I am careful when I am browsing the Web." and "Is social media changing the way we communicate?"

c) “Only download files and applications from websites that you trust” and

"Do you have more friends in social network rather than in real life?"

It is noteworthy that, in the English language, endings that refer to the past do not necessarily refer to past tense. Just remember that in the passive voice, we can conjugate verbs with the ending -ed even when the action will be performed in the future.

`For example: The task was done last night

The task will be done tomorrow morning.

Both sentences have the construction done, but one is located in the simple past while the other is in the passive voice, in the simple future.

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yasmimdesouzalima10: obg anjo
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