Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 11 meses atrás

2- Read each sentence and write FACT next to each statement that is a fact and OPINION next to each
statement that is an opinion: (Leia a frase e escreva "FACT" ao lado de cada afirmação que é um
fato e "OPINIONao lado de cada afirmação que é uma opinião)
) Soccer is an exciting sport.
Swimming is a water sport
The werld needs water
) Volleyball is better than soccer
) You can fish at Arazuia River
> You are so cute
Fish is a delicious food.
) We need the sun​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sophiamorico


Boa tarde! Vamos lá

1- Soccer is an exciting sport. (Opinion)

2- Swimming is a water sport (Fact)

3- The world needs water (Fact)

4- Volleyball is better than soccer (Opinion)

5- You can fish at Azuia River DC (Fact)

6- You are so cute (Opinion)

7- Fish is a delicious food (Opinion)

8- We need the sun (Fact)


Espero ter ajudado, desculpa qualquer coisa e bons estudos! Se cuida :)

isabelegomes3: ta faltando o 9 ate o 15
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