Inglês, perguntado por barbaragata19, 10 meses atrás

2) Produza sentenças com as palavras abaixo. Use as contrações
1- John/English
6-We/good students
2- They/Brazilian boys
7- You/all good boys.
3- Mary/Brazilian
- Weſtired
9- You/hungry
5- Sheil
10- The dog/hungry ft/brown​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por EwertonFilipe


good morning, how are you?

barbaragata19: o AM bem
Respondido por 1234Student

1- John speak english very weel.

6- We are goos students.

2- They are Brazillian boys

3- Mary is Brazillian

4- I am hungry

9- You are hungry

5- Sheil make dinner

10- The dog hungry too

nattynsantos32p7eb1q: cadê a 7 e 8?
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