Inglês, perguntado por rochass12ustavo077, 10 meses atrás

2) Organize as frases interrogativas:
a Was she in yesterday school?
b) In the garden were the children?
c) Were at you cinema the yesterday?
d) You week angry were last?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por takvya


a) Was she in school yesterday?

b) Were the children in the garden?

c) Were you at the cinema yesterday?

d) Were you angry last week?


a) Ela estava na escola ontem?

b) As crianças estavam no jardim?

c) Você estava no cinema ontem?

d) Você estava irritado semana passada?

Respondido por catherine02

a) Was she in school yesterday?

b) Were the children in the garden?

c) Were you at the cinema yesterday?

d) Were you angry last week?

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