Inglês, perguntado por antonykaue, 4 meses atrás

2- Observe os verbos entre parênteses e complete os espaços no tempo simple future na sua forma afirmativa.

a) They _____________________a new car next month. (to buy)

b) Chris and Amanda _______________ around 5 in the afternoon. (to arrive)

c) Patrick ________________in New Jersey next year. (to work)

d) I ___________________my grandparents tomorrow. (to visit)

e) Sorry, I forgot to bring your book, but I ______________it tomorrow. (to bring)

f) Considering the cloudy sky, I believe it _______________. (to rain)

g) Robert and Rachel think _______________ next year to Paris. (to travel)

h) Cars ____________________more economical in the future. (to be)

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