2) Leia o texto e responda às questões.
Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated predominantly
in North America, and it possesses a different
meaning in each of the Countries where it's
tue of Liberty for the first
as a symbol of freedom.
reservations before her
le are permitted to climb
statue every day. After
Claire received
from the statue's crown
ned that the Statue of
olor that it is now. She
Ratue's onderior is made
over time, giving it the
7 present day. When it
te was the same color
7 the Statue of Liberty,
day in New York City
uments and historic
Ek hoping to have had
but she can't wait to
in the United States. Thanksgiving is a federal
holiday (meaning all government employees and
most private employees are given a day off of work)
and always takes places on the Fourth Thursday in
November, regardless of the date.
The holiday signifies the immense progress made by
pilgrims, or some of the first travelers to North
America, at Plymouth Plantation circa 1621. It was al
this time that the hungry and weary Pilgrims were
taught (by Native Americans) how to grow and
produce food on North America's unique terrain
Once they'd grown (and caught) an abundance of
food, the Pilgrims were expectedly thanidul, and they
celebrated alongside the Native Americans who
provided them with such valuable assistance
President Abraham Lincoln initiated the
contemporary practice of Thanksgiving by calling for
a "day of Thanksgiving" during one of his Civil War
berty to the United
In America today. Thankugiving remains firmly
engrained in its historical roots, and is widely
considered to be a day for giving thanks for good
food, good times and family. Thanksgiving dinner
generally consists of turkey, mashed potatoes,
stuffing, vegetables, gravy, and ample desserts. To
be sure, indulging in abundance is a comerstone of
the holiday, as doing so could only be possible if one
possesses abundance
berty Intended to
1 States
a) Quando o Ação de Graças e celebrado nos EUA?
b)Quais comidas tipicas
c)Quem ensinou os Peregrinos a cultivarem a Nova
Soluções para a tarefa
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tambem presiso dessa ⌤
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