Inglês, perguntado por emmelysoso60, 11 meses atrás

2.Leia a tabela novamente e complete as frases abaixo com CAN e/ou CAN'T.
a)Jenny _____ sing but she _____ play music
.b)She _____ dance but she _____ act.
c)Peter ____ sing but he _____ play music.
d)He ____ act but he _____ dance.
e)Brian and Zoe _____ sing and they _____ play music.
f)They _____ dance but they _____ act.
g)Adam ____ act and he _____ sing.
h)He _____ play music but he _____ dance.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MoonLines


A) can/can't

B) can/can't

C) can/can't

D) can/can't

E) can/can

F) can/can't

G) can/can

H) can/can't

Espero ter ajudado :)

MoonLines: Você poderia marcar como melhor resposta?
Respondido por taynahbertolinoribei


a)Jenny can't sing but she can play music

.b)She can dance but she can't act.

c)Peter can sing but he can't play music.

d)He can't act but he can dance.

e)Brian and Zoe can sing and they can't play music.

f)They can't dance but they can act.

g)Adam can't act and he can sing.

h)He can play music but he can't dance.


Percebi que não tem uma ordem certa para colocar can e can't se você trocar a ordem vai continuar correto. Espero ter ajudado.

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