Inglês, perguntado por ta93430, 6 meses atrás

2. I’m in love with two girls. One is very beautiful but has no money, the other is ugly and has lots of money. Who ____________I marry?– Well, I’m sure that you ____________really love the beautiful one, so I think you __________marry her, because money _________be all in your life.– OK, thank you very much for your advice.– Don’t mention it. By the way, I wonder if you could give me the name and telephone number of the other girl? Escolha uma opção abaixo para completar o texto.
should – must – should – shouldn`t
must – must – should – shouldn`t
shouldn`t¬ – must – must – should
shouldn`t¬ – mustn`t – must – should
shouldn`t¬ – must – mustn`t – mustn`t

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Modal verbs >>  should / must

I’m in love with two girls. One is very beautiful but has no money, the other is ugly and has lots of money. Who should I marry?

– Well, I’m sure that you must really love the beautiful one, so I think you should marry her, because money shouldn't be all in your life.

– OK, thank you very much for your advice.

– Don’t mention it. By the way, I wonder if you could give me the name and telephone number of the other girl?

Escolha uma opção abaixo para completar o texto.

a. should – must – should – shouldn`t  ✅  

b. must – must – should – shouldn`t

c. shouldn`t¬ – must – must – should

d. shouldn`t¬ – mustn`t – must – should

e. shouldn`t¬ – must – mustn`t – mustn`t

Alternativa correta letra ''a''

⇒⇒ Modal verbs >> são verbos ''diferentes'' que possuem características próprias. São usados para auxiliar o verbo principal da frase. Não são conjugados, não recebem ''s'' na terceira pessoa do singular, não têm plural. São sempre escritos da mesma forma, independente do contexto. Não têm tradução se estiverem sozinhos, sem um verbo em seguida.

→→ Should - usado para dar conselhos >> deveria  / não deveria

John should study more if he wants to get good grades.

John deveria estudar mais se ele quiser tirar boas notas.

Helen shouldn't go to that place. (shouldn't = should not)

Helen não deveria ir naquele lugar.

→→ Must - usado para dar ordens na afirmativa >> must ou proibir >> must + not

You must pay attention to the class.

Você deve prestar  atenção à aula.

You mustn't step on the grass.   (mustn't = must not)

Vocês não devem pisar na grama.

→→ Must - usado no sentido de ''necessidade'' - ''dever''

Susan, you must wake up at 7am.

Susan, você tem que acordar às 7 horas.


John must stop smoking.

John tem que parar de fumar.

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