Inglês, perguntado por manubeatriz123, 8 meses atrás

2. Forme frases afirmativas, negativas ou interrogativas usando USED TO conforme indicado

a) HE / HATE vegetables, but now he loves it. *

2 pontos

Sua resposta

b) Where YOU / WORK five years ago? *

2 pontos

Sua resposta

c) MY FRIEND / BE able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all. *

2 pontos

Sua resposta

d) I / NOT / STUDY a lot, but now I do. *

2 pontos

Sua resposta

e) SHE / PLAY the piano every night? *

2 pontos

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leyinha


a) He used to hate vegetables, but now he loves it.

b) Where did you use to work 5 years ago?

c) My friend used to be able do speak French, bis she has forgotten it all.

d) I didn't use to study a lot, but now I do.

e) Did she use to play the piano everynight?

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