Inglês, perguntado por celikis1792, 9 meses atrás

2. Fill in the gaps with the superlative of
superiority of the adjetives given: (Preencha as
lacunas com o superlativo de superioridade dos
adjetivos dados.)
a) (Bad) Poor Richard got
result in the
b) (Good) Teenage years are
in our lives.
c) (Modern) Rick lives in the
I've been to.
d) (Fat) David is
boy I know
e) (Wide) Main Street is
in town.​f)
(Charming) George Clooney is one of
- actor
(Messy) Claire has got
room I've ever seen.
Mysterious) Those books are
I've read so far.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por catharinalouise
a) the worst
b) the greatest
c) most modern
d) the fattest
e) the widest
f) the most charming
g) the messiest
h) the most mysterious

celikis1792: obrigado
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