Inglês, perguntado por aliferquintino, 4 meses atrás

2. Fill in the blanks with WILL or WON’T. (Complete os espaços em branco com WILL or WON’T) I promise This year I ________ learn English. It _______ be easy as and _______take up much of my free time. In the long term it's going to be worth it, as a good understanding of English ________help me get good job when I leave school. I'm going to enroll in an English course close to where I live and _________also study on-line. My dad says he _________buy me a new cellphone if I get a good grade, so I'm ___________ lose the time and __________to study very hard.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isabelibernardo


Não entendi desculpa, queria poder ajudar

Respondido por Andrearochaamaral


2. Fill in the blanks with WILL or WON’T. (Complete os espaços em branco com WILL or WON’T) I promise This year I ___will_____ learn English. It ___won't____ be easy as and ____will___take up much of my free time. In the long term it's going to be worth it, as a good understanding of English ______will__help me get good job when I leave school. I'm going to enroll in an English course close to where I live and ____will_____also study on-line. My dad says he ____will_____buy me a new cellphone if I get a good grade, so I'm ______won't_____ lose the time and _____will_____to study very hardExplicação:

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