Inglês, perguntado por rosanematosr, 4 meses atrás

2. Crie sentenças usando as palavras abaixo na forma correta do verbo to be. Às vezes, o verbo terá
que aparecer duas vezes em tempos verbais diferentes.
a) he / fat / but / year / thin / now / last
b) meeting / I / to / the / late
c) lucky / friend / very / my
d) 21st / the / yesterday / the / today / 22nd
e) cold / rainy / sunny / hot / It / It / and / and / not
f)policeman / firefighter / Bert / not / a / a

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por oiimelo


a) Last year he was fat, but now he is thin

b) I am late to the meeeting

c) My friend is very lucky

d) Today is the 22nd, tomorrow was the 21st

e) It is sunny and hot and it is not cold and rainy

f) Bert is a policeman and not a firefighter


rosanematosr: oi vc pode
rosanematosr: resolver essa tbm
rosanematosr: só ah d e ah c
rosanematosr: q preciso
oiimelo: perdão só vi agora, mas acho q já resolveram :)
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