Inglês, perguntado por pj2289, 1 ano atrás

2- Correct the information using the word in brackets.

EX.: They got home at midnight. 11 pm

Answer: They didn't get home at midnight. They got home at 11.

a) She more a red dress. (blue)

b) I lleft work early (late)

c) We went by train. (bus)

d) He lost his mobile phone. (wallet)

e) you had a sandwich. (salad)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pedrohenriquesp1

a. She didn't wear a red dress. She wore a blue dress.

b. You didn't leave leave work early. You left work late.

c. You didn't go by train. You went by bus.

d. He didn't lose his mobile phone. He lost his wallet.

e. You didn't have a sandwich. You had a salad.

pj2289: muito obrigada
Respondido por larissamagrani

Simple Past e a sua função

Simple Past é um tempo verbal na língua inglesa que equivale ao pretérito perfeito na Língua Portuguesa.

a. She didn't wear a red dress. She wore a blue dress.

b. You didn't leave leave work early. You left work late.

c. You didn't go by train. You went by bus.

d. He didn't lose his mobile phone. He lost his wallet.

e. You didn't have a sandwich. You had a salad.

Utiliza-se o Simple Past nas frases em que há sentido de ação concluída e finalizada. Além disso, há uso de advérbios que representam atividades que ocorreram no passado, como: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week e ago.

Neste tempo verbal, utiliza-se verbos regulares (walked, worked, played, washed, etc.) e verbos irregulares (went, drank, flew, saw, etc.).

Exemplos: He studied Math last night./ We did not (didn't) go to school last week./ I called you two days ago.

Para saber mais sobre Simple Past:

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