Inglês, perguntado por dyno1234, 8 meses atrás

2. Complete these questions with the correct words: HOW MANY, HOW MUCH, HOW OFTEN, HOW DEEP, HOW TALL, HOW LONG, HOW FAR, HOW OLD, HOW HIGH:

1. ____________ brothers do you have? Four.
2. ______________are you? I’m 1.60 meters tall.
3.________________ do you the beach? Once a week.
4._______________ have you been married? Six year now.
5. _______________are you? Twenty-five.
6. _______________ is that mountain? 2.300 meters high.
7._______________ is your love?
8._______________ coffee do you want/ Just a cup, please.
9.______________ is São Paulo? It’s nearly 1500 km.
10._____________ do you go to the movies? Twice a month?
11._____________ records did you buy? I bought two records.
12. ____________ is the bottle of wine?
13.___________ are you from? I’m from Venezuela.
14._____________ is your name? My name is Nicole.
15. ___________Is your birthday? Is May.
16. ___________ is the movie?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fernandacampelo01


As três últimas parecem faltar opções, então coloquei como imaginei


1 - how many

2 - how tall

3 - how often

4 - how long

5 - how old

6 - how high

7 - how deep

8 - how much

9 - how far

10 - how often

11 - how many

12- how much

13 - how far

14 - how

15 - When / how far

16 - how good

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