Inglês, perguntado por stephanyeduardadatri, 4 meses atrás

2. Complete com “was/were”: a-) She___________________________ absent from school yesterday. b-) I_____________________________ in the same class as William last year. c-) They__________________________ busy all day yesterday. *

Sua resposta

3. Reescreva as frases do exercício 2 na forma negativa: *

Sua resposta

4. Reescreva as frases do exercício 2 na forma interrogativa: *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por milenas


2. a) was

b) was

c) were

3. a) She was not absent from school yesterday.

b) I was not in the same class as William last year.

c) They were not busy all day yesterday.

4. a) Was she absent from school yesterday?

b) Was I in the same class as William last year?

c) Were they busy all day yesterday?

Respondido por gigicammarota



a) She was absent from school yesterday.

b) I was in the same class as William last year.

c) They were busy all day yesterday.


a) She wasn't absent from school yesterday.

b) I wasn't in the same class as William last year.

c) They weren't busy all day yesterday.


a) Was she absent from school yesterday?

b) Was I in the same class as William last year?

c) Were they busy all day yesterday?


2. I/he/she/it - was

we/they/you - were

3. mesma coisa do 2, mas was = wasn't e were = weren't

4. Você usa was/were no começo da pergunta, depois a pessoa (I/he/she/it/they) e o resto da frase (in the same class as William, por exemplo), adicionando no final o ponto de interrogação.

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