Inglês, perguntado por henriquegf, 1 ano atrás

2. Complete com "there is" ou "there are":
a) _______________ a beautiful girl here.
b) _______________ three tables in that classroom.
c) _______________ a child there.
d) _______________ a man in the church.
e) _______________ three glasses there.
f) _______________ dogs in that house.

3. Transforme as frases acima em frases negativas e interrogativas:​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por danilofardine


2)a) there is

b)there are

c)there is

d)there is

e)there are

f)there are

3) a) Isn't there a beautiful girl here?

b)Aren't there three tables in that classroom?

c)Isn't there a child?

d)Isn't there a man in the church?

e)Aren't there three glasses?

f)Aren't there dogs in that house?

Explicação:*dica* Se você quiser pode-se alterar a formação da frase da questão 3, assim retirando a abreviação de Isn't respectivamente para it is not e Aren't para Are not.

Respondido por deza488otd3u8


There is utilizamos para situações no singular.

There are, utilizamos para situações no plural

a) There is (temos apenas uma menina, logo, situação no singular, trata-se apenas de uma pessoa, não de um conjunto de pessoas)

b) The are (estamos falando sobre 3 mesas, ou seja, mais de um objeto, logo, plural)

c) There is (uma única criança, singular)

d) There is (estamos falando de um único homem, singular)

e) The are ( estamos falando sobre 3 taças, ou seja, plural)

f) The are ( a palvras dogs está no plural, logo, trata-se de mais de um cachorro)

Para transformar a frase em negativa

There is virará There isn't ou There is not

There are virará There aren't'

a) There is not a beautiful girl here

b) There aren't three tables in that classroom.

c) There is not a child there

d) There isn't a man in the church

e) There aren't three glasses there.

f) There aren't dogs in that house.

Para passar a frase para o interrogativo, inverteremos a ordem das palavras

There is = Is there?

There are = Are there?

a) Is there a beautiful girl here?

b) Are there three tables in that classroom?

c) Is there a child there?

d) Is there a man in the church?

e) Are there three glasses there?

f) Are there dogs in that house?

As frases negativas e interrogativas?

a) Isn't there a beautiful girl here?

b) Aren't there three tables in that classroom?

c) Isn't there a child there?

d) Isn't there a man in the church?

e) Aren't there three glasses there?

f) Aren't there dogs in that house?

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