Inglês, perguntado por kethelenvitoria17, 9 meses atrás

2- complete com o present continous a) He_____(to sit) at the disk b) they______( to play) fostball in the park c) Ihe______( to eat) dinner with her brother d) you______( to read) an in interesting book e) the dog_____( to sleep)bching the house f)Ana______( to swin) in that lake g) I_______( to watch) TV in the living room h) tony______( to write) a letter tô his mom i) the birds______( to sing) beautifully j) Mom_______( to make) a cake for tane's birthday ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eutenhoduvida01

a) He_sits_(to sit) at the disk

b) They__play__( to play) fostball in the park

c) He__eats__( to eat) dinner with her brother

d) you__read_( to read) an in interesting book

e) The dog___sleeps_( to sleep)bching the house

f)Ana_swins__( to swin) in that lake

g) I_watch__( to watch) TV in the living room

h) tony_writes_( to write) a letter tô his mom

i) the birds__sings_( to sing) beautifully j) Mom___makes___( to make) a cake for tane's birthday

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