Inglês, perguntado por santosstatah703, 5 meses atrás

2. Complete com o future com going to:
a) I ______ television (watch).
b) My neighbors _____ a new garage. (build)
c) My friends and I______ Italian. (learn)
d) My boyfriend________his car.( sell)
e) He________to my brother after school. (talk)
1) My mom_______a cake for my birthday. (make)
g) Helena________her mother.( visit)
h) We______the sundown.(see)
1) My dad_______the house.( sell)
D. They________for a new country.(move)
k) My mother_______a cake for my party.(make)
L) We_________some food the mall.(buy)
m) I_________a new phone for me.(buy)
n) My sister______Paris. (travel)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jessierocha18


A) I´m going to watch

B) are going to build

C) are going to learn

D) are going to sell

E) is going to talk

1) is going to make

g) are going to visit

h) are going to see

1) are going to sell

D. are going to move

k) are going to make

l) are going to buy

m) am going to buy

n) are going to travel


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