Inglês, perguntado por mogodaocom, 7 meses atrás

2. Complete as sentenças usando os Subject Pronouns e os Object pronous. Siga o exemplo.
I want to see her, but she doesnt want to see me. (Eu quero vê-la, mas ela não quer me ver.)
They want to see me, but don't want to see

She wants to see him., but doesn't want to see

c)We want to see them, but don't want to see

d)He wants to see us, but don't
want to see

e)I want to see them, but don't want to see​

mogodaocom: não consigo colocar a pergunta certo
mogodaocom: kct

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por karinefaquete


a) They want to see me, but I don't want to see them

b) She wants to see him, but he doesn't want to see her

c) We want to see them, but they don't want to see us

d) He wants to see us, but we don't

want to see him

e) I want to see them, but they don't want to see me

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