Inglês, perguntado por alexandre2006henriqu, 8 meses atrás

2. Complete as frases com os verbos no futuro imediato na forma afirmativa. A) I……………………...…..…… in the morning. (to study) B) Mary……….…………..……... every day. (to work ) C) Fred and Jane………..…………………….. in New York. (to live) D) We……………………………… to the movies. (to go) E) They………..…………..……….. coffee. (to drink) F) It…………………..…………… a lot in summer. (to rain) G) You………….....……………….. 10 cigarettes a day. (to smoke) H) She………..……………………… English every day. (to teach) I) William and I………..…………………….. cards very well. (to play) J) James............................................. in the lake. (to swim)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por letissia52

Resposta:A)Study.   B)Works.   C)Live.   D)We going.   E)Drink.   F)Rains.  G)Smoke.   H)Is teacher.    I)Play.   J)Swim in.



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