Inglês, perguntado por leticiaalvarenga176, 6 meses atrás

2) Complete as frases com a forma correta do verbo to be mais o Present Continuous dos verbos entre
a) I TV with my family. (to watch)
b) Julia lunch in the cafeteria.(to have)
c) You the grass. (to cut)
d) We to travel next summer. (to travel)
e) Daniel in the park. (to run)
f) Pedro and Miguel pizza. (to eat)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por madzxsm


a) I watch TV with my family. (to watch)

b) Julia have lunch in the cafeteria.(to have)

c) You cut the grass. (to cut)

d) We are going to travel next summer. (to travel)

e) Daniel run in the park. (to run)

f) Pedro and Miguel eat pizza. (to eat)


leticiaalvarenga176: obrigada :)
madzxsm: dnd :)
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