Inglês, perguntado por julianagdasilva2003, 11 meses atrás

2- Complete as frases abaixo com as "tag questions correspondentes:
a) She is a good singer,
b) She isn'ta good singer,
c) He makes all the lessons,
d) He isn't married,
e) They are pretty,
f) You draw very well,
g) He should be polite,
h) We will go to the beach.
i) She didn't travel yesterday
He doesn't study more in Dom Bosco,

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kelly019
A) isn’t she?

B) is she?

C) doesn’t he?

D) is he?

E) aren’t they?

F) don’t you?

G) shouldn’t he?

H) won’t we?

I) did she?
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