Inglês, perguntado por victorhugouzumaki, 3 meses atrás

2) Complete as frases abaixo com ALREADY, EVER, NEVER, SINCE, FOR, YET, JUST, LATELY e
1) Have you ________________ been abroad?
2) What have you done _________________?
3) They have been studying for that test _____________ three days!
4) Marcie has ___________ been abroad because she can´t speak any language.
5) Those cowboys have been working in that farm ______________ last vacation.
6) The teacher has been working here _____________ May.
7) The astronauts have been in space _____________ many years.
8) Those boys have studied a lot ___________________!
9) I´ve __________ been abroad! I have to go to the USA to practice my English.
10) Have you _____________ finished it? No, not ____________!
11) A= “Charlie, have you cleaned your room ______________?”
B = “Yes, Mom. I´ve ______________ cleaned it. I did it hours ago.”
12) Have you ____________ found money on the street? No, not __________!
13) A= “Mary, Have you _________________ e-mailed the clients?”
B= “Yes, I have, but I haven´t called the systems department _____________.”
14) “Have you ______________ gone camping?” “No, I´ve _______________ gone.”
15) I haven´t been so busy ________________ because I´ve been researching on the internet about
cosmetics _____________ I returned home.
16) Corine has ________________ been to Brasília, but she has _________________ been to Goiânia.
17) This is the thickest book I´ve _______________ read in my whole life.
18) A= “Hugh, Where are you Hugh?”
B= “I´m here mum, I´ve _____________gotten home.”
19) My best friends have been living here _______________ nine months.
20) Brian and Bergkamp haven´t had lunch _______________.
21) Has Christine e-mailed me _______________?
22) “Oh my God, Jessica! I haven´t seen you _____________ ages! Where have you been?”
23) What’s the most beautiful place you have _______________ been to?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por liabaesone


1) Have you ever been abroad?

2) What have you done lately?

3) They have been studying for that test for three days!

4) Marcie has never been abroad because she can't speak any language.

5) Those cowboys have been working in that farm since the last vacation.

6) The teacher has been working here since May.

7) The astronauts have been in space for many years.

8) Those boys have studied a lot lately.

9) I've already been abroad! I have to go to the USA to pratice my English.

10) Have you already finished it? No, not yet!

11) A= "Charlie, have you cleaned your room yet?"

B= "Yes, Mom. I've already cleaned it, I did it hours ago."

12) Have you ever found money on the street? No, not yet!

13) A= “Mary, Have you already e-mailed the clients?”

B= “Yes, I have, but I haven´t called the systems department yet.”

14) “Have you ever gone camping?” “No, I´ve never gone.”

15) I haven´t been so busy recently because I´ve been researching on the internet about  cosmetics since I returned home.

16) Corine has never been to Brasília, but she has already been to Goiânia.

17) This is the thickest book I´ve ever read in my whole life.

18) A= “Hugh, Where are you Hugh?”

B= “I´m here mum, I´ve just gotten home.”

19) My best friends have been living here for nine months.

20) Brian and Bergkamp haven´t had lunch yet.

21) Has Christine e-mailed me already?

22) “Oh my God, Jessica! I haven´t seen you since ages! Where have you been?”

23) What’s the most beautiful place you have ever been to?


Ao meu ver, em nenhuma das questões era necessário o uso do "Recently". Mesmo assim, espero ter ajudado!

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