2 - Como o auxilio do seu dicionano, organize o texto abaixo em uma sequência lògica. O tem
e sobre um dos mais importantes nomes da tecnologia norte-americana - Steve Jobs.
1 - Steve Paul Jobs was bom in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955. His birth
parents gave him up for adoption and he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.
2 - One of Steve's favourite hobbies growing up was working with electronics in his garage with
his dad. They would take apart electronics like radios and then put them back together.
3 - Unfortunately. Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011 from pancreatic cancer.
4 - Paul was a machinist and Clare an accountant. When Steve was five, the family moved to
Mountain View, California where Steve went to school and grew up.
5 - Steve became the electronics genius, he invented his own computer
Como ficaria a sequência acima, respeitando a sequência logica do texto?
a) 4. 3. 2. 1 e 5.
b) 1. 4. 2.5 3.
c) 3, 1, 4, 5 e 2.
d) 1. 2. 3. 4 e 5
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a alternativa correta é a b
só presta atenção na hora q vc for escrever, percebi bastante erros
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